Department of Business Administration

Overview of Department of Business Administration
The Bachelors in Business Administration program offered by the Department of Business Administration of German University Bangladesh is designed to give a broad knowledge of the functional areas of a company, and their interconnection, while also allowing for specialization in a particular area. Our BBA program thus exposes students to a variety of “core subjects” allowing students to specialize in a specific academic area. The degree aids in developing the student's practical managerial skills, communication skills and business decision-making capability. Additionally the BBA program incorporates training and practical experience, in the form of case projects, presentations, internships, industrial visits, and interaction with experts from the industry.
The Department of Business Administration offers a 4-year bachelor degree called 'Bachelor of Business Administration'. To become a graduate in this field one has to complete 139 credits.
The Bachelor of Business Administration program is designed to provide students with business and management skills necessary to become effective leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs in today's competitive society. The degree offers both academic management education and enough breadth in complementary academic subjects to prepare students to function effectively in complex situation comprising, small to medium enterprises, in the private, public and NGO sectors.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc. Students in MBA programs have the option of taking general business courses throughout the program or can select an area of concentration and focus approximately one-fourth of their studies.
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program provides learners with a comprehensive foundation for business decision-making and prepares them to lead effectively in a rapidly changing business environment. The MBA program enables graduates to manage challenges including globalization, diversity, social and ethical responsibility and technology to anticipate and adapt to the challenges of 21st Century. The degree encompasses the theoretical concepts and practical applications for business practitioners.
Special emphasis is placed on the role of management in the formulation and administration of corporate policy and strategic plans.
Managing people is the tip of the iceberg in business. With a career in business administration, organized and motivated managers can keep every aspect of an operation running smoothly and efficiently. Day-to-day operations are as important as a plan for the future. If you’ve thought of working in business administration, learn which personal and professional traits you’ll need to succeed in these careers.
The graduates of the business administration program will be employed in the following fields:
Financial Analysis: Banking Credit Risk Financial Planning Asset Management Brokerage Securities Sales .
Human Resources: Personnel Recruitment Compensation and Benefits Organization Development.
International Business: Marketing Trade Sales Regional Promotion.
Management Information Systems: Software Application IT Management Systems Operations.
IT Audit/Consulting Marketing: Retail Management Product Promotion Territorial Sales Merchandising Market/Consumer Research.
Operations and Supply Chain Management: Manufacturing Service Delivery Production Planning Work Flow Optimization.
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Last updated: 06.12.2021 |
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